
文章來源:IIGF王遙2020-07-02 08:54

近日,由倫敦政治經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院與倫敦大學(xué)亞非學(xué)院學(xué)者合著的報(bào)告《綠色復(fù)蘇:央行與金融監(jiān)管機(jī)構(gòu)的政策工具箱》(A Toolbox for Sustainable Crisis Response Measures for Central Banks and Supervisors)在線發(fā)布。6月29日,中央財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)綠色金融國際研究院院長王遙教授受邀參加針對該報(bào)告的在線研討會(huì),并對該報(bào)告發(fā)表評議,就央行已有做法、各政策優(yōu)劣、下一步應(yīng)采取的政策等問題發(fā)表了自己的看法。
I think this report on sustainable crisis response is a very timely one. It summarizes at first hand how central banks and financial regulators can promote sustainable development while responding to the crisis, how the win-win situation can be achieved. The report also summarizes policy tools already used by central banks and financial supervisors during the COVID pandemic, which is a rare and useful resource that can be an important reference for central bank practitioner and researchers.
Dr. Ma has just given a statement of both academic and practical value. I very much agree with these points. I am honoured to add some personal thoughts.
First of all, how have central banks and supervisors addressed climate and other factors in the crisis so far? What I see is that most central banks and supervisors are focusing on the traditional crisis response. Particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises and for employment. They mainly want enterprises not to lay off employees and pay basic wages that can sustain a livelihood, which is right. For example, in China, the central bank paid particular attention to targeted support for small and micro enterprises, taking out more than 1 trillion RMB refinancing and rediscount for them. I personally believe that these central bank measures are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDG. Recently my institute, the International Institute of Green Finance, released the SDG Finance Taxonomy jointly with the UNDP China Office. According to this Taxonomy, providing funds for public health, small business and employment, are undoubtedly in line with the SDG goals.
As for the consideration of climate- and environment-related factors during the crisis response, it appears that most central banks in most countries have not yet taken substantive actions. The reason, I think, is that historically, climate change and environmental factors have not been a part of central bank’s policy framework.
However, this gives the main significance of the report released today. As many of you may know, the Green Swan report issued by the Bank of International Settlement in January this year made the new "swan" of climate risk widely acknowledged. The report is now well known to professionals and has generated considerable interest in the central bank research community. I hope the report released today will become a similar success and become a basis for central banks’ substantive launch of sustainable crisis response.
Then, my response to the the strengths, weaknesses, gaps, potentials of the Toolbox. In terms of the analysis of the report itself, the policy tools have been summarized comprehensively. However, the report does not yet clarify the countries where different policy tools can be applied suitably, and which tools may work well or poorly in certain scenarios. I hope if any central bank implements these policies in the future, it can contribute relevant experience to the authors of the report. Meanwhile, the report focuses mainly on central bank policies, which can be extended with policies of other financial regulators in the future. For example, in China, the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission has also issued a series of green credit policies that could be included in the report.
In terms of policy practice, I think that all of the policy tools presented in the report are possible options. However, in considering the context of the ongoing pandemic and the possible second wave, and taking into account the specific characteristics of each tools, my opinion is that: the application of the policy tools should be sequential. This is in fact my view on the the next step of central banks. I think that the implementation of these so called green central bank policies should be prioritized.
In response to the unprecedented crisis of COVID, central banks have actually been overburdened. Not only do they have to face the short-term liquidity shortage and insufficient demand problems of traditional crises, but they also have to face new problems such as lack of repayment capacity of firms in the long run, the unexpected decline in supply capacity, second wave outbreaks and so on. This has already overburdened them. Meanwhile, this does not mean, of course, that central banks should forget about sustainable development and allow carbon dioxide emissions to gradually return to or even exceed pre-crisis levels, which may bring new risks and crises. I think there is a consensus among all of us here today that we should seize the opportunity of this recovery to promote sustainable development.
Balancing central banks’ current difficulties with the requirements of long-term sustainable development, I think that central banks should apply the sustainability-enhanced policies with certain sequence – first choose policies that are less difficult to implement and have a clear potential green effect; not policies that require a lot of effort to develop, extensive capacity building, or are slow to take effect.
To be specific, first, it is important to prepare for the implementation of green regulation. This is mainly to identify the "greenness" of projects by taxonomy, which has been developed well in Europe and China. Just earlier this month, European Parliament adopted the Taxonomy Regulation of sustainable finance. China started to revise its Green Bond Taxonomy, planning to remove the clean coal. The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission released the new Green Financing Guidelines.
Second, with the ability to identify, central banks should prioritize the inclusion of green factors into policies already in place during the crisis response. For example, in the collateral framework, the acceptability of green assets should be clarified; in the asset purchase programs, APP, brown assets should be excluded, green assets should be prioritized; in refinancing policies, targeted support for green businesses could be applied. Incorporating green factors into these policies that central banks are already using, does not require too much effort or too much cost, making green policies can really get off the ground in the midst of a busy pandemic response. In terms of the sequencing of these policies, priority should be given to those that have a clear and direct green effect, as this can give a stronger signal to the market and better kick off the green recovery.
Based on experience, the special incorporation of green factors still requires a high level of awareness among central bankers, and coordination of various departments within the central bank. This needs a large number of well-documented evidence for the urgency of environmental and social risks, for the need to prevent them, and for the coherence of economic recovery and green transition. This is exactly what the NGFS and INSPIRE are currently doing.
Third, some entirely new policies that require extensive capacity building can be only piloted first, then gradually rolled out later. For example, long-term prudential tools, such as climate stress tests, require both the development of new methodologies and widely accepted scenarios, which may involve a lot of effort from regulators. It can be phased in gradually instead of rushing into the full-scale during the pandemic.
Fourth, it should be noted that some short-term policies for safeguarding liquidity, such as standing lending facilities, may not be appropriate for supporting the green transition. The reasons, on the one hand, is that these policies need to fulfil their basic function of safeguarding the financial stability in the short-term, which should not be distracted. On the other hand, green transition is a long-term structural goal, and the short-term policies naturally lack the ability to provide long-term support.
OK, the above four points are my preliminary perceptions. Some issues are needed to do further research. In particular, I'm not so sure which policies have clear direct effects, strong market signals, and are easy to implement in the practice, in different countries, and in today. I'd like also to hear your opinions on which policies are suitable for early introduction at the present time, and broadly, on how we can promote sustainable recovery from the view of financial regulators.
Thank you very much!


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