西班牙關(guān)閉一半燃煤電廠 有望成為首個(gè)無(wú)煤國(guó)家

文章來(lái)源:iGDP碳交易網(wǎng)2020-07-23 11:27

Spain is on track to become a coal-free country in record time. All of its remaining coal-fired thermal power plants will start shutting down on Tuesday, a year-and-a-half after the closure of the coal mines, which could not survive without the state aid that the European Union has banned.
Seven out of the 15 coal-fired power stations that are still working in Spain will cease being operational on June 30, after their owners – the electricity companies – decided that it does not make financial sense to adapt them to European regulations. And four more are getting ready to shut down soon.
Yet these closures appear to have little to do with the Spanish government’s policies. As a matter of fact, the Ministry for Ecological Transition has refused to join an alliance of countries pledging to set a fixed date for phasing out this type of facility. Instead it was the market itself, together with the measures coming out of Brussels, that sounded the death knell for coal.
Several of these power stations have not been producing electricity for months because it is no longer profitable due to a combination of market conditions and political decisions by the European Commission, which is the executive branch of the EU.
Until just a couple of years ago, these highly contaminating plants were accounting for approximately 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions in Spain. In 2018, nearly 15% of all electricity consumed in Spain came from coal-fired thermal stations.
但這似乎成為永遠(yuǎn)的過去了。今年五月,燃煤電廠僅貢獻(xiàn)電力的1.4%。5月1日和2日,國(guó)家電網(wǎng)運(yùn)營(yíng)商西班牙電網(wǎng)公司(Red Eléctrica de España)停產(chǎn)兩天,這是自1990年有記錄以來(lái)的第一次。
But that seems like an eternity ago. In May of this year, coal-fired plants barely contributed 1.4% to the power mix. And they produced nothing at all between May 1 and 2, for the first time since Red Eléctrica de España (REE), the national power grid operator, began keeping records in 1990.
將于6月30日逐步淘汰的7個(gè)燃煤熱電廠分別位于拉科魯尼亞的Meirama、阿斯圖里亞斯的Narcea、萊昂的La Robla和Compostilla、特魯埃爾的安道爾、科爾多瓦的Puente Nuevo和帕倫西亞的Velilla。
The seven coal-fired thermal plants that will be phased out on Tuesday are Meirama in A Coruña, Narcea in Asturias, La Robla and Compostilla in León, Andorra in Teruel, Puente Nuevo in Córdoba and Velilla in Palencia.
擁有它們的4家公司,Naturgy,Endesa,Viesgo和Iberdrola,已向EL PAÍS確認(rèn),這些電廠將在6月30日停止運(yùn)營(yíng),以避免違反歐洲環(huán)境指令。該指令要求此類工廠采用凈化排放氣體的技術(shù)。
The four companies that own them – Naturgy, Endesa, Viesgo and Iberdrola – have confirmed to EL PAÍS that they will cease operations on June 30 to avoid violating a European environmental directive forcing such plants to adopt technology to clean up the gases they emit.
Together, these seven plants represent 4,630 megawatts (MW), a little less than half the installed coal power generation capacity in Spain. They provide around 1,100 jobs, including direct employees and outsourced work.
另外4家電廠的總裝機(jī)容量為3092兆瓦,雇用了約800名工人,已經(jīng)申請(qǐng)關(guān)閉。業(yè)內(nèi)消息人士估計(jì),Iberdrola在阿斯圖里亞斯的Lada電廠,Endesa在A Coruña的As Pontes電廠和Almería的Litoral電廠以及加的斯的Los Barrios電廠可能在2021或2022年關(guān)閉。
Four other plants accounting for 3,092 MW and employing around 800 workers have already filed for permission to shut down. Industry sources estimated that Iberdrola’s Lada plant in Asturias, Endesa’s As Pontes plant in A Coruña and Litoral plant in Almería, and Los Barrios in Cádiz could be closed by 2021 or 2022.
There are four other coal power plants in Spain that have not yet applied for closure, although their future seems uncertain.
“The way things are going, I think there will no longer be any coal generation by 2025,” said Tatiana Nuño, an energy and climate change specialist at environmental NGO Greenpeace. “The scenario we are working with for complete closure is 2025,” agreed Ana Barreira, director of the International Law and Environment Institute (IIDMA). Industry sources believe the phase-out could happen even faster, in two to three years.
On one hand, EU reforms drove up the price of CO2 in the European market. The EU emissions trading system set a price for releasing carbon dioxide that was high enough to discourage the use of this fossil fuel. During 2019, the price of a ton of CO2 was €25, meaning that in many European countries coal-fired electricity is not as profitable as other options such as natural gas or renewable energy.
此外,自2019年以來(lái)天然氣價(jià)格低廉。西班牙有許多使用天然氣的聯(lián)合循環(huán)發(fā)電廠,可以輕松替代燃煤發(fā)電廠。“ 天然氣價(jià)格下降是因?yàn)槿蚬?yīng)過多,且沒有地方存儲(chǔ),”能源經(jīng)濟(jì)集團(tuán)主管Pedro Linares指出。
Adding to this is the low price of natural gas since 2019. Spain has many combined-cycle plants that use gas and can easily replace the coal-powered plants. “The price [of gas] went down because there was an excess of global supply and no place to store it,” noted Pedro Linares, director of the Economics for Energy group.
對(duì)2020年的預(yù)測(cè)是,天然氣價(jià)格上漲使煤炭更具競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力,但是新冠疫情的流行破壞了這種情景。結(jié)果,自2019年3月以來(lái),燃煤電廠的發(fā)電量一直處于歷史低位。據(jù)其所有者稱,今年至少有4家,Compostilla、Litoral、Los Barrios和Velilla,沒有發(fā)電。其他電廠在6月30日宣布退出之前,也一直在燃燒剩余的存貨。
The forecast for 2020 was that the price of gas would rise and make coal more competitive again. But the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted that scenario as well. As a result, coal plants have been producing electricity at historical lows since March 2019. At least four – Compostilla, Litoral, Los Barrios and Velilla – have produced nothing this year, according to their owners. And the others have been burning their remaining stock before calling it quits tomorrow.
分析師最驚訝的似乎是西班牙的進(jìn)展速度。IIDMA的巴雷拉表示:“我認(rèn)為撤資運(yùn)動(dòng)也起到了作用。” 這暗示公司拋棄化石燃料的壓力來(lái)自于投資基金。能源經(jīng)濟(jì)集團(tuán)的利納雷斯對(duì)此表示贊同。“一年前仍然有一些懷疑論者,但是看到這些動(dòng)向后,我認(rèn)為西班牙再也不會(huì)回歸煤炭了。”
What analysts seem most surprised about is the speed of the process in Spain. “I think that the disinvestment movements have also played a role,” said Barreira of IIDMA, alluding to pressure from investment funds asking companies to ditch fossil fuels. Linares, of Economics for Energy, agreed. “A year ago there were still a few skeptics out there, but after the movements we’ve seen, I think that there is no going back to coal for Spain.”


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