
文章來源:iGDP碳交易網(wǎng)2020-12-22 07:56

近一半的投資者支持桑托斯為直接和間接排放設定硬性目標。BRENDAN ESPOSITO
Santos has upped its ambitions on emissions reductions, becoming the first major Australian oil and gas producer to set a 2040 target for cancelling out all its direct emissions.
The new targets, to be unveiled at Santos' annual investor briefing on Tuesday, bring forward the net-zero commitment for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 10 years thanks primarily to expected results from using carbon capture and storage technology.
Peers Woodside Petroleum, Origin Energy and electricity and gas supplier AGL Energy all have 2050 targets for net zero emissions, while some European oil and gas majors such as BP also include targets for Scope 3 emissions, those released by their customers.
Santos' new targets also include a reduction in CO2 emissions of 26-30 per cent by 2030 from a 2020 baseline, and to work with customers to reduce their direct emissions by more than one million tonnes a year by 2030 through switching to cleaner fuels.
首席執(zhí)行官Kevin Gallagher表示,桑托斯在過去三年里專注于CCS等 "階梯式變革技術(shù)","這讓我們在減排方面走得更快且力度更大"。
Chief executive Kevin Gallagher said Santos' focus over the last three years on "step-change technologies" such as CCS "has enabled a pathway that allows us to go further faster when it comes to emissions reduction".
他說,桑托斯已經(jīng)在自己的業(yè)務中安裝了超過5.5兆瓦的太陽能發(fā)電和4兆瓦時的電池存儲,但 "真正改變游戲規(guī)則 "的是其在南澳大利亞北部Moomba基地的CCS項目,該項目擬定于2020年底前啟動。該項目將成為繼雪佛龍在西澳Gorgon項目之后的全球第二大項目,初始產(chǎn)能為每年170萬噸,耗資高達1.55億美元(2.098億元)。
He said Santos has installed over 5.5 megawatts of solar electricity and 4 MWh of battery storage at its own operations but that "the real game-changer" is its CCS project at its Moomba site in South Australia's north, due to be considered for a go-ahead by the year-end. The project would be the world's second biggest after Chevron's Gorgon project in Western Australia, with an initial capacity of 1.7 million tonnes a year, and would cost up to $US155 million ($209.8 million).
The commitment comes after an escalation on pressure on the Adelaide-based company over climate change and strong support for activist resolutions at its annual meeting in April on emissions targets and lobbying.
Santos will also rely on nature-based offsets, increased use of renewable energy and energy efficiency to achieve its new goals, It is also examining a hydrogen project at Moomba that would complement the CCS venture.
基于自然補償?shù)钠髽I(yè)包括在北領地西阿納姆地區(qū)的一個熱帶草原燃燒碳減排項目。Gallagher先生說,桑托斯對在這一領域擴張以產(chǎn)生更多碳信用額度的潛力感到 "興奮",這也使當?shù)卦∶瘾@益。
The nature-based offset ventures include a savanna-burning carbon abatement project in West Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory and Mr Gallagher said Santos was "excited" about the potential to expand in that area to generate additional carbon credits, with benefits also for indigenous communities.
He pointed to emerging demand in Asia for carbon-neutral LNG cargoes given commitments by China, Japan and South Korea to reach net zero emissions by about 2050 and for new clean fuels such as hydrogen.
對于桑托斯的CCS項目,分析師意見不一,瑞銀的Tom Allen認為該項目的價值被低估,而瑞士信貸的Saul Kavonic則對其價值仍持 "懷疑態(tài)度"。
Analysts are divided over Santos' CCS project, with UBS's Tom Allen regarding the merits of the project as under-appreciated, while Credit Suisse's Saul Kavonic remains "sceptical" on its value.
Mr Kavonic said he also expected news from Santos at the briefing on progress towards a final investment decision on the Barossa gas project off the north coast that was put on hold after the oil price crashed in March, and on the Narrabri project in NSW.


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